New Haven, USA
New Haven, USA
This week we have been to Yale University in New Haven, to install our first A-1 analyser (A-1_#0047) in the USA.
Thank you to Professor Yu He and his group for having us!
MBS Japan PGEgY2xhc3MgPSAibF9tYWlsIGxfbmV3X3dpbmRvdyIgaHJlZj0ibWFpbHRvOmluZm9AbWJzY2llbnRpZmljLnNlIiB0YXJnZXQ9X2JsYW5rPmluZm9AbWJzY2llbnRpZmljLnNlPC9hPg== +4618290960
This week we have been to Yale University in New Haven, to install our first A-1 analyser (A-1_#0047) in the USA.
Thank you to Professor Yu He and his group for having us!